Quiet Leader Loud Results book by Ankit Mahadevia

Quiet Leader, Loud Results

A practical primer to help you grow in your comfort and authenticity as a leader

In an increasingly complex world where leaders are in short supply, people of all personality types are needed to lead. This is a book by a quiet leader for current and aspiring quiet leaders, building on the experiences of experienced quiet leaders who have also road-tested different ways to be effective without being the loudest person in the room.

Published by Post Hill Press/Simon & Schuster, 2022

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 Leadership is only sustainable when you practice it in a way that is authentic to you.

 Are you a Quiet Leader?


After a long day of meetings, are you ready for drinks with the team or dinner alone?

Do you prefer to communicate important news in a larger group or 1:1?


Do you need to brainstorm with colleagues to figure out a complex problem or go away and think about it?

While debating a complex issue with your team, are you opining loudly and often, or infrequently, thoughtfully, and less noticeably?


 How can quiet people rise to lead at the organizational level?

You’ll learn

  • The unique strengths quiet people can bring to leadership.

  • How quiet leaders practice the core skills of leadership: understanding, communicating, strategizing, and earning buy-in.

  • Practical advice from quiet leaders who have managed to lead successfully while still being true to themselves.

  • Specific steps that aspiring leaders can take to put these lessons into practice.

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A Quiet Leader’s Toolkit

  • Quiet Leaders Toolkit - Preparation


  • Quiet Leaders Toolkit - Transparency


  • Quiet Leaders Toolkit - Collaboration


  • Quiet Leaders Toolkit - Systematic Thinking

    Systematic Thinking

Some of the Quiet Leaders you’ll meet



who loves his work as CEO, yet dreads the networking conferences he must attend. He feels drained after even a few meetings, but still needs to make the right connections and drive results.


a quiet leader in a neck-and-neck race to launch a product before a competitor. He wonders whether his usual soft- spoken manner will be enough to fire up his engineers in a high-pressure situation.



a female, minority physician who feels like she is fighting uphill in an extravert and male-dominated academic department. She isn't sure how to break through and get her ideas noticed.


who, unlike the stereotypical elected official, is not the loudest person in the room. He still finds a way to be true to himself and drive results for his district, earning re-election multiple times.


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